Here's a quick breakdown of the main overhauls mods available for Company of Heroes 2. I got CoH2 hoping for a more tactical & historical squad-based game along the lines of the old Close Combat series - obviously COH2 isn't quite that. This is the cracked version in which you can get unlimited money. Company of Heroes Mod Apk: Get the mod apk for Company of Heroes v1.1.2RC5 on android. Once you’re in the game, press ALT + SHIFT + ~, this will open the SCAR Console of Company Heroes 2. Company of Heroes: Eastern Front v.1.2 Full Posted over 10 years ago 197 downloads A free mod for Company of Heroes.

It includes 15 missions for Poland, USA and USSR. There is a cheat mod you can get that's free. Player_SetPopCapOverride(World_GetPlayerAt(1), 9999) Company of Heroes: Eastern Front 1.70 Posted over 8 years ago 284 downloads Eastern Front has succeeded in adding a full Soviet faction packed with unique and exciting units to the existing armies - a feat never before achieved in the Company of Heroes world. All of this combined to make my first impressions underwhelming.