They can consult among themselves to come up with their response. However, if they get three strikes, the control passes to the other team who, in turn, get only one chance to figure out the remaining answers so that they can win that round. If the family provides all the correct answers before getting to strike three, they win that round. If they provide an answer that’s not part of the board, the family receives a strike. They aren’t allowed to talk to each other during this point in time. The family who gets control will then be providing responses one by one. Otherwise, the other contestant will try to give a response which ranks higher to gain control for the team. Should the contestant provide the very first survey answer, his family takes control over the question. The player who presses the buzzer first wins the right to give their answer.

The game starts with one member of each team stepping up to the podium to face-off with each other on the very first question.

Download 544 KB #20 How to play Family Feud?īefore you make your own family feud using a family feud template, let’s learn more about how to play the game.