
The dark heart of the smith still dwells in it. Thingol's wife, Melian, prophesied the following: Eöl gave this sword to Thingol as payment for staying in his forest, Nan Elmoth, though he did not relish giving it away. It was one of two swords Eöl forged out of a black meteorite: the other, Anguirel, he kept for himself. It is not known whether Aeglos survived his death at the hands of the dark lord.Īnglachel (meaning Iron of the Flaming Star in Sindarin) was a sword smithed by Eöl the Dark Elf. It was said that none could withstand the spear of Gil-galad (and the sword of Elendil) and the weapon was used by Gil-galad in his duel with Sauron. Over this great space of time, other races would soon develop their crafts of weaponry.Īeglos was the spear of the Elven king Gil-galad. During these wars, weapons and armies would not only become commonplace but a perfected art-form, which would bring many new machines of war. This event was the beginning of a long war and the beginning of a long era of protracted on-and-off warfare against the forces of darkness that would last for thousands of years. When Melkor returned to Middle-earth with the Silmarils, his armies attacked the Sindar, and they were almost unprepared, lacking heavy weapons and suffering heavy casualties. This was the first time weapons specifically designed for real warfare, and not hunting were to be made by one of the Children of Ilúvatar. It was then that they began fashioning weapons, particularly that of Fëanor, who had been taught by Mahtan, a great smith trained by Aulë. Only when Melkor, who released from prison, began spreading many lies creating discord between the Noldor of the House of Finwë. When Elves from Cuiviénen came to Aman, they learned much from the Valar but had no use for weapons as Aman was a hallowed place.
Weapons were probably used against Melkor when he became more powerful and was a threat to the Elves and had to be removed. He probably fashioned the weapons that he used, or perhaps Aulë assisted him, as he worked with and used many hand tools. As Melkor began corrupting and despoiling the world, creating many unnatural monsters, weapons became necessary or, at the very least preferred for Oromë, was a great hunter and was often in Middle-earth hunting these unnatural abominations. As the Valar used the powers of the Ainur given to them by Eru, they had no real use for handheld weapons, at least not any of any recognizable conventions, and their greatest champion bore no weapon and fought only with his hands.